dog and urine stain on carpet and sofa

Advanced Urine Treatment: The Solution for Your Carpet and Sofa

Combating urine on carpets or fabric sofas is no simple task. Trust us, you cannot effectively tackle it without professional tools, chemical solutions, and experience. All DIY methods available online are merely temporary fixes that at best slightly mitigate the impact of urine on surfaces, and often exacerbate the situation, making it more challenging or impossible for us to completely eradicate the effects of the accident.
Hi, I need some help. My pet had an accident on the carpet and I tried cleaning it up with baking soda, vinegar, and my Vax machine, but I think I've made it worse. The stain has spread and the smell is still strong. Can you help?
This is a typical message we receive dozens of times a month. The irreversible effects of urine, exacerbated by the client’s actions based on incorrect online advice, often lead to permanent stains or the problem spreading to deeper parts of the material or a larger area. Therefore, DIY methods tend to cause more problems than benefits. We assert this based on our experience and the analysis of hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of cases where our clients, in stress and following tips that lack professionalism, contribute to worsening the issue. We understand that stress and fear of damaging a prized sofa or carpet drive our clients towards solutions that seem like a lifeline in a difficult situation. However, our goal is to make them aware that only services offered by professionals can truly help, and that home remedies supported by devices from Argos are not the right solution in the vast majority of cases.

Why Does Urine Smells So Bad?

Urine can have a significantly negative impact on carpets and sofa fabrics, primarily due to its strong and unpleasant odour, which stems from its high concentration of ammonia. This compound forms as protein breaks down, and as the urine dries, the ammonia concentration intensifies, leading to a more potent and pungent smell. Additionally, pet urine contains bacteria that contribute to the foul odour. The longer the urine remains untreated on a surface and deeper parts of the fabric, the more opportunity there is for these bacteria to multiply, further exacerbating the smell. This increasing odour can be particularly troubling for individuals with respiratory conditions such as asthma or COPD, making the living environment uncomfortable or even harmful. Moreover, the robust mix of ammonia and bacteria in pet urine makes it notoriously difficult to remove, requiring specialised cleaning techniques and products to effectively eliminate the odour and prevent long-term damage to the fabric

How Amonia Can Affect Your Carpet or Sofa?

Ammonia, a key component in urine, can cause several damaging effects on fabrics and carpets:

  1. Discolouration and Staining: Ammonia can lead to permanent discolouration. Its chemical properties can react with the dyes in fabrics and carpets, altering their colour and creating stubborn stains that are difficult to remove.

  2. Material Degradation: Over time, the presence of ammonia can break down the fibres in carpets and fabrics. This chemical degradation can weaken the material, leading to tearing, fraying, and an overall decline in the texture and structural integrity of the carpet or fabric.

  3. Persistent Odours: As ammonia decomposes, it releases a strong, pungent odour that can soak into the fabric and linger in the area. These odours can be particularly challenging to eliminate, especially if the ammonia has penetrated deeply into the fibres.


How Do We Tackle Urine on Your Carpet and Sofa?

We tackle urine stains and odours in carpets and sofa fabrics with a combination of specialised techniques and products that go beyond typical household cleaning methods. By using these advanced techniques and tools, we can effectively restore carpets and sofas affected by urine, ensuring they are clean, odour-free, and hygienic.

We cannot disclose the details of our process as it is unique and key to the success of our company in this niche of our business. However, it is certain that our process includes some distinct steps that are quite obvious, and we can outline them here to give our clients an idea of what to expect when they decide to use our service.

Inspection of affected area 

Inspection is our first step, where we determine the severity of the accident. We assess whether it’s just a superficial issue or if the urine has penetrated deeper parts of the carpet, the underlay, or even the subfloor. This initial evaluation helps us decide the most effective cleaning approach to ensure that all affected areas are thoroughly treated. To assess the area affected by the accident, we use UV light, which easily shows us the extent of the contamination, even if it’s not visible to the naked eye. This tool is crucial for detecting all traces of urine, ensuring that no affected area is overlooked during the cleaning process.


Urine stains glow under UV light, clearly showing which areas are affected.
subfloor affected by urine
Here's an example of what a subfloor looks like in a room affected by urine presence in the carpet. The carpet and underlay have been removed. Unfortunately, in this case, we are unable to provide effective help.
Effective help is not available in every case. Sometimes the problem is so severe that it affects the deeper layers of your flooring, including the subfloor. If the boards are saturated with urine, our cleaning efforts here are ineffective, and the odour is practically irremovable without replacing the floor. This happens in cases where urine has been deposited in the same place over a long period, or if the animal was large and simply produced a lot of urine.
With sofas, the severity of the problem is also crucial. If the cushions are removable, we can apply methods that allow our chemical solutions to reach the inserts and address the issue at its source. However, if the cushions are fixed, the entire operation becomes a bit more difficult, but it's not impossible to carry out.

Next step in the cleaning process is to remove as much of the urine as possible. We will use powerful extractor with special attachment that can pull urine from deeper within the carpet padding, which is crucial because urine can seep below the carpet and into the underlay. We treat the affected area by flushing it with clean water mixed with chemical solutions designed to break down the urine. Finally, we extract the mixture from the carpet or sofa, ensuring thorough removal of both the urine and the cleaning solution. This process is designed to effectively remove urine, but in most cases, especially on natural fibers, some staining may still be visible.

Stain treatment 

Stain treatment is necessary when a stain remains visible after extraction. Typically, on fresh stains where the customer hasn’t applied any chemicals, this treatment may not be needed, as the staining usually disappears during extraction. However, in other cases, it becomes essential to restore your carpet to its natural state. Contaminants in urine can severely stain carpets, especially if the urine has been in the carpet for an extended period. Standard cleaning detergents often fail to remove these stubborn stains. We employ various techniques and chemical solutions, primarily involving enzyme solutions activated by heat or oxidisers activated by UV light, to enhance the overall appearance of the affected area.

This is quite a complicated process and requires training and experience, which is why you should choose us. Our 18 years of experience and extensive training give us an advantage over our competitors and peace of mind for our customers. It’s important to remember that not all stains can be completely removed, and even our best solutions sometimes can’t fully reverse the chemical processes that have already occurred in the carpet, resulting in permanent staining. Usually, the time elapsed and the type of fiber are the main factors responsible for permanent stains, but occasionally, we also notice that actions taken by customers, such as using vinegar, baking soda, dish soap, or any other ready-mixed products from shops, can set the stain permamently.

Post-treatment of carpet & sofa – sanitisation

Post-treatment involves the application of a disinfectant with strong antibacterial and antiviral properties. While some sources might suggest that this step is unnecessary, as other solutions applied during earlier stages of our process also possess these properties, we aim to provide our customers with the utmost certainty that the affected area has been treated to the best possible extent. The solution is sprayed and agitated into deeper parts of the carpet to ensure comprehensive coverage and effectiveness. This step helps to reassure customers that their space is not only clean but also hygienically safe.

Asssisted  speed-drying
The final step in our process is drying. Effective drying is crucial not only to reassure our customers that the work has been completed effectively but also because our assisted drying system helps to dry your carpet or sofa almost instantly compared to natural drying methods. This rapid drying offers several benefits: firstly, it reduces the time available for bacteria to multiply in a damp environment; secondly, it allows us to see the final result on a dry carpet, ensuring that none of the stains have wicked back through the fibers. This step ensures that the cleaning results are both visible and durable, providing peace of mind that the treatment has been thoroughly effective.

 How much does it cost?

A key question that often arises with these types of inquiries is the cost. Advanced stain removal is a time-consuming process that involves various techniques and solutions, so it is not included in the standard price per room. The cost is closely related to the size of the area affected by urine and the severity of the problem. Small, superficial stains can be treated easily without involving our more intensive methods, which will be much cheaper for our customers. In severe cases, where we need to go through the entire process, including the drying of affected areas, the costs will be higher due to the complexity and resources required. Usually, it is difficult to provide an accurate price without an initial inspection, so pricing over the phone is not effective because it cannot encompass all the information necessary to build a comprehensive picture of the problem.

To obtain a quote, please call us, chat with Tom, or simply leave us a message describing the problem. Please include the size of the room, how many areas are affected, whether it’s a one-time accident or a recurring issue, whether your carpet is wool or synthetic, how long the urine has been present, and finally, whether you have attempted any cleaning yourself. This information will help us prepare an accurate quote for you. Generally, our quotes are precise, but occasionally, certain factors may not be apparent even to our customers and can only be disclosed during the cleaning process, which may affect the quote. This is a specific service, and without starting the process, it’s challenging to predict every aspect.

What to do when accident happend?
When faced with a urine accident on a carpet or sofa, there are several steps customers can take before the arrival of professionals to help mitigate damage: Blot the Area: Immediately blot (do not scrub) the affected area with paper towels or a clean, absorbent cloth to soak up as much urine as possible. Press firmly to absorb the urine but avoid spreading it further. Avoid Heat: Do not use hot water or heat (like a hairdryer) on the stain, as this can set the stain and odour into the fabric. Apply Water Sparingly: If possible, lightly rinse the affected area with cold water to dilute the urine. Be cautious not to saturate the area, as this can push the urine deeper into the fibres or padding. REPEAT THIS PROCESS ALONGSIDE WITH BLOTING till paper towel is dry. DO NOT USE ANY CHEMICALS! Even if it is recommended by the seller. CALL US
Are You able to remove all stains from my carpet?
Removing all urine stains from carpets can be challenging, and the success of removal often depends on several factors: Type of Carpet: The material of the carpet influences how deeply urine can penetrate and how well it can be cleaned. Synthetic fibres typically respond better to cleaning than natural fibres like wool, which are more absorbent. Age of the Stain: Fresh stains are generally easier to remove than older stains, which may have set into the carpet fibres. Extent of Contamination: If the urine has soaked into the underlay or the subfloor, it becomes more difficult to remove all traces of the stain and odour. Previous Cleaning Attempts: Sometimes, DIY cleaning methods can set stains further into the carpet, making professional removal more challenging. While professional cleaning can significantly reduce or eliminate visible staining and odours, guaranteeing the complete removal of all traces of urine, especially in severe cases, can be difficult. We always try to achieve the best possible final effect - in 95% of cases fully recovering the previous look of the area.
Is it an expensive service?
In same of the cases we are able to help for £50 but we have to understand that Urine stain and odour removal is indeed a more specialised and potentially more expensive service than standard cleaning, due to the specific resources and tools involved. The cost of a full urine removal setup is approximately £5000, not including the tools typically used during the standard cleaning processes. This setup includes industrial dryers, specialised chemical solutions, and attachments that help reach deeper parts of the carpet. The service is time-consuming and also requires the sanitisation of all equipment used during the process. It takes about an hour's work just to clean and sanitise the machine and tools after each use. It’s crucial to recognise that a professional cannot use the same tools in every house, especially when treating urine or other accidents, and then move on to another house to clean a mattress without proper cleaning and sanitisation. The price of the service depends on the severity of the problem. Contact Tom – he will attempt to give you a precise quote! Only in 1 of 20 enquiries do we need to adjust the quote initially given over the phone. This accuracy is a great achievement for this type of specialised service.
How Soon can you come to help me with the problem?
Our response time varies, but we treat these types of services as emergencies and always reserve some slots specifically for such enquiries. We understand that a quick response is crucial for our customers, so we strive to offer same-day or next-day appointments when time is a critical factor. In cases where timing isn't as pressing, we aim to respond within 2-3 days at most. This approach ensures that we meet our customers' needs promptly and effectively, addressing urgent situations as swiftly as possible.
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